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January 3rd, 2004 15:00

wait to kill service timeout

hello. i have a dimension 4400 with windows xp and having troubles with it shutting down. it takes too long. over 20 seconds and in some cases won't shutdown at all. i looked at and it said to adjust the time in regit under the wait to kill service timeout. i have done what the site said but cannot find the wait to kill service timeout. any ideas. thank you

2 Intern


2.4K Posts

January 3rd, 2004 16:00

Your shutdown problems might be solved without messing with the registry. A damaged exit (wav) file could be the cause. (I don't know how to replace it.)

I'd run a full online virus scan at, then run the System File Checker, then run defrag to see if that helps.

I have the registry entry you mentioned. Spelling counts: WaitToKillServiceTimeout Check all the reg buttons but the last when you're searching the registry.

2 Intern


2K Posts

January 3rd, 2004 18:00

This is probably the HKEY you are referring to ;
WaitToKillServiceTimeout  20000
If it doesn't exist Create  WaitToKillServiceTimeout   & set to   20000
For HKEY click Edit > New > String Value   , then press "Backspace" key to delete Highlighted text & type  WaitToKillServiceTimeout      (check spelling)  & press "Enter"  key.
To can check  Logoff sound by using Control Panel , Sounds,.... ,  Change the Sound Scheme & scroll to "Windows Logoff"    then click  >    , even if it sounds OK try setting Sound to  "None"  by using Sound > Drop Down Menu > "None".
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